Thursday, September 3, 2009

Masa untuk mencurahkan isi hati ku

Ever encounter the experience of starting the day with a quarrel,and you think thats gonna ruin your mood for the day and it turn out to be an satisfying day??I just did!!=)

Very first thing I did after I wake up is to deal with mum about the stupid subject payment.And a massive heavy jam around the city actually allows me to attend morning class super late,that means the moment I get into the class,class end!!cool right??noob=.=

Once I get out of class,thing change.Met Eze and Sanali,and guess what??A Dachshund key chain!!

She purposely get me this from Sri Lanka because she knows its a dachshund just like Honey aka Honey Bear .
Aww.. sweet right??...thanks=)

Then class,class and class till 6pm.After that,Tze Yi and Sang Mun is kind enough to walk me to the bus stop and wait with me for the retard U82.Btw,did I mention that RapidKL had just increase their price.And say bye-bye to the whole-day tickets.Ya,they increase the price but the service still sucks.This is allows me to give myself another strong reason to buy a car.Thanks noob!!

Reach P.Seni at 7+pm.Only manage to get on the bus at 8.20+pm.This time not because of waiting but cause earlier over KL sentral I actually saw this family from Sri Lanka that come to Malaysia for holiday.and,they are kinda lost.So~as a Malaysian,a teenager,and a human,I choose to spend some to time to show them their way and help them to search for their hotel.Seriously,the moment they say thanks,it just made up my day.But even if they don't, inside my heart,I know that I still
manage to make few happy.

After that,met one of my high school senior on the bus.Reach Banting at 10+pm....A lot of excitements for the entire day,e.g,praised by teacher in the class,..blabla..But its 4.47am and I'm superbly tired right now and no mood to type it out anymore.Plus,I'm still half way helping Joey doing her homework..
lazynoob~You owe me $,I dont want your massage!!

Hmm..Tomorrow is the countdown.I still got some baking,basketball training and mohawking that needed to be done.Tomorrow's timetable gonna be tight.I shall enjoy.See ya,miss me.

*o4.55am~19h05m....tick tick ticking...

1 comment:

小煒 said...

everythings going fine??
all d best